Scotland's Mental Health Partnership launched its manifesto only a week ago, but the response from the public, from media, and from policymakers has been incredibly positive.
Below are just some of the highlights from the hard work of each of our members in contributing to the launch.

Following our sharing of the manifesto and our 'pledge' for a Scotland where good mental health and wellbeing was enjoyed by all, we received widespread engagement as a result of members sharing on social media platforms.
As a result of this, we received extensive engagement via Facebook and, on Twitter, we had 254 Twitter mentions of #The3Ps with 1,300 shares and a reach of 1.1M users.
Coverage was given on primetime BBC Scotland radio and TV
Both national broadsheets gave coverage to the launch, alongside the Daily Record
Policy-specific web publications like Third Force News and Health&Care.Scot also covered the launch

Many of the shares we received on social media were from candidates in May's Holyrood elections, from across the political spectrum
We also saw a motion lodged in Parliament welcoming the launch of the manifesto
Follow up discussions with interested candidates already commencing.